
Showing posts from October, 2023


                                                Image on Freepik by Freepik Eight, sixteen, thirty two, sixty four, one twenty... You are seeing too much, more than you should, do you like what you see, or do you revile it?   Tell me, I fear your eyes, I don’t want you to see how I love, how I hate, who I am What’s your story then? Allow me some space in your fantasy, in your little world and I will tell you mine, do you eat raw eggs like I do? Tell me, you, you, even you, do you think like I do? I love to see you happy, too objectified to be living, I feel it for you I can see the awe in your eyes, I’m just as childish as you are, as heartbroken as you are, as entitled as you are, maybe a little different, I fall so hard, I love too much more than I love myself, too young to be too old, the crown on my head is heavy, I’ve seen heavier crowns though, I don’t know about yours, eye number nineteen, they tell me to be many things, the absence of my self consciousness, but methinks true


                                                                           Image by Freepik on Freepik INTRODUCTION Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in Kenya and Africa as a whole. This is because most African countries are guided and follow almost blindly two aspects that being religion and their customary traditions. This means that if an act contravenes the very specific codes of religion and tradition it will be rejected at the fullest extent. This is evidenced by a recent event where a homosexual, Edwin Chiloba, was killed and instead of being sympathetic and supportive to the deceased’s family, most Kenyans were quick to condemn the dead fellow and some even went to the extent of stating that his death was a punishment from the heavens due to his life choices. The purpose of this write up is to discuss abortion in general, look at both pro-life and pro-choice arguments, how the Kenyan law interprets abortion and my own personal views and recommendations. 1)


                 Image by Freepik on Freepik Your face in the threads of morning light, Your fair hair shining like fine silk, My soul with the angels takes flight, To hold your skin glowing like silk, To lay my head on your beautiful shoulder, For all my heart ever screams is “hold her.” Mbarak Khalid Mazrui is a first year student at The University of Nairobi.

EXISTENCE- The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark

                                                            Image on Freepik Abstract 30th December 1916, at the height of world war 1, sitting in the trenches of the Western Front, struggling to keep warm in the cold winter, French soldier Marc Boasson wrote a letter home and part of it said, “ Life is a terrible burden, never has the baseness of human thought weighed on me so deeply. Life is an immense responsibility.” Marc Boasson and Shakespeare’s Hamlet are cut from the same cloth- they are at an existential crisis and they have to find the meaning of their lives, a terrible burden. Life as they put it has meaning and one is tasked to find it. I look into Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, to find more questions than answers. Why do we live? Do we live because we fear death?                                                             Image on Freepik Do we compromise on living out of our fear of death? I would say this is the shallowest reason because it is primitive. Neuroscie