Image on Freepik by Freepik Eight, sixteen, thirty two, sixty four, one twenty... You are seeing too much, more than you should, do you like what you see, or do you revile it? Tell me, I fear your eyes, I don’t want you to see how I love, how I hate, who I am What’s your story then? Allow me some space in your fantasy, in your little world and I will tell you mine, do you eat raw eggs like I do? Tell me, you, you, even you, do you think like I do? I love to see you happy, too objectified to be living, I feel it for you I can see the awe in your eyes, I’m just as childish as you are, as heartbroken as you are, as entitled as you are, maybe a little different, I fall so hard, I love too much more than I love myself, too young to be too old, the crown on my head is heavy, I’ve seen heavier crowns though, I don’t kno...