"Pity to the man that stands in my way." : A narration

If you are here, then truly time and chance do happen to them all.


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You rub your eyes with the hope of opening the gates for the tears to flow. But they do not. You have tried opening your soul, your heart, your mind, your body... all for nothing. It is still the same, the same thoughts, the same cycle. It never ends. Your friends postpone the sadness till Monday, but you can't. It is ever with you, all through the weekend. You have, however, refused to drown it with a bottle of hooch. It's a Pity. But hey, at least you feel something, right? 

You want to be Unpredictable... You want to be able to do anything on the go, the spontaneous kind of person. But you are still crippled by fear. The other night you wanted to haul at the moon...It was beautiful. There was a jagged line across the sky, and already there was a star, shining pale and cold just over the place where the sun had set. You were careful not to wake anyone while you trudged your way out of the house at midnight. When you got to the gate you stopped, and your dog came and licked your ankle, excited at the prospect of going out at night. When you finally stepped onto the road, it was eerie and you felt the midnight air on your skin. There were a few cars that passed by, and your dog, scared, ran back into the compound. You sat at the steps, not really looking at anything, and after five minutes you had had enough and you crawled; back into your compound, back into bed. If a man was standing in your way, what would you have done? Pity!

As "Devil Doesn't Bargain" plays on your phone, your thoughts are somewhat lulled. They will not consume you. Alec begins to sing, and all you can think of is how the words describe your situation. This devil described is someone you know, he is him. He is them. Perhaps even she. No, wait, if it was, she would be called the devil? I think not. Perhaps "devils" or maybe "virago" or "termagant" I digress. You continue listening. Then the chorus comes... and it becomes increasingly clear that your alter ego has mentioned those words to you in the past. With the next stanza, you're a goner. It now resonates in your mind, and henceforth, whenever you hear those lyrics, they will always remind you of that feeling. Who is to be pitied here? Is it you, for personalizing the words too much or is it Alec, for weaving such an accurate description? 

You want to remember...you start small, with a question your alter ego has been asking you this past week..."How do you deal with your temptations?" Yes, those walking down the street, tempting you, blatantly so, even when they don't realize it. Each breath you take reminds you of how awake you already are. And you remember them {he and she from last time} All the time they sit on your right. There is this recurring dream, and you can recall it vividly... You remember looking at him from the window and he was anxious to get in. You remember his scent, how intoxicating it felt, and you remember his long fingers and how you thought they looked beautiful. You also recall spotting ink on his left leg where the skin was exposed and you imagined a great tattoo hugging his skin. And you wanted to be that tattoo, to be with him always...Alas, it is only a dream. And you pity anyone who might stand in your way.

Remaining Sneakily Silent is kind of your hidden trait. Now you think about how they think...Of you, of their loved ones, of situations...How they would react. It is far from whatever you would do in any similar situation. Everyone deals with their own shit. Just like you. But the difference comes in how you react. You are considerate, you are loving, you are kind, and you also do it immediately. Not like them. Empathy escaped me when I had a seemingly mundane "enface" and right now I cannot be expected to conform. But you... For you... poison? an antidote? You are both! I could give you the whole world if it was mine to give. You like this sort of stuff, don't you? Where we talk about hypotheticals, dreams, and what-ifs? I know you do. A pity. 

As with any 'good' narration, they end where you do not want them to. It is a PITY, isn't it?

Michael Mburu is a law student at the University of Nairobi. He enjoys writing both academic and non-pedagogical works with a keen interest in human rights law, commercial law, property law, and intellectual property law. He can be reached via mikemunga89@gmail.com or 0786651411




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