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With all the war and crime and genocide happening in different parts of the world...all these injustices make me question humanity and what the collective idea of what humanity is. In the Middle East now people are killing each other fighting and infringing the other in name of resources and God and the belief that there isn't enough to go around for everyone...the propagated ides of scarcity that we have been fed by the system that stands to benefit regardless of loss has consumed our lives today.

  I acknowledge that my information about the whole situation is very limited and I know only what media outlets let on which isn't much actually but I hold the strong opinion that we are all angry....injustices and crimes against humanity have been going on since the 16th century and from a young age we learn about war and how all the people lost their families and livelihoods and had to start all over again. Psychological impact it had was much worse that what was written down.

 We're angry about it still and majority of inhabitants of this astral place hold it in their houses in the cups of tea they share and meals they have. They put it in sports they play and books they read and alcohol they drink. ...occasionally men and women will drink and fight at the bar just to let the anger be released . We are taught to be aggressive in the face of anger to abandon kindness forget your humanity and act only for self. So the bar fights turn into a mass murder at a house and when this goes unpunished then it's rape and harassment, curfew and infringing upon minority just to get someone to fight with you because you're unable to comprehend why they aren't as angry as can they go about their lives.

                                                                              Image on Freepik

How did they forget so easily how it occurred? What had happened? The ones that died and all they had to show for it was a list of names on a building where people came as a tourist attraction . What happens when no one is angry, when none remembers? when you're holding it all Inside and everyone seems fine and  they go about their lives ignorant of the fact that it happened. You show them; you want them to see how you see, see it how it you show them and then you become the perpetrator of it again and before you know it you're exactly what you are that which made you angry it consumed you entirely....and it's not about showing them anymore it's about someone who will fight back someone who'll be just as angry to form an uprising to be a saviour for others what you first set out to do but pain has blinded you and consumed you entirely wait for death, long for the end of your suffering forgetting you are the cause of millions of others suffering all in the name of what Your God? Your Name? Your family? A reputation that ends with you....what's the logical explanation here...give me a reason I am begging you to give me a reason...tell me why? 

I need to know if we were taught to be angry and sit with it and put it in better places like a garden or in songs and development of some kind. Maybe on our knees In the name of God and not your brother or your sister at the barrel of a gun...not manufacture of military power and the abidance of humanity. If we were kinder acted with love for our neighbor for we are all children of God and no person is less than the other.

 Practice content ?gratitude, selflessness and love mostly important love to scream the anger away. I am sheltered and I know nothing about what is actually happening but even from halfway across the world I feel the need to remind us to be humans and to take care of the next person as your family. Because we are all family.



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