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In the Matter of Love:
Whereas, on the
fourteenth day of February, henceforth referred to as Valentine's Day,
Two hearts did meet in
the jurisdiction of affection,
Hereby establishing a
contract of mutual adoration and devotion.
Whereas, pursuant to
the terms of said agreement,
The parties involved
did exchange tokens of affection, hereinafter referred to as "gifts",
These gifts shall be
considered binding and irrevocable expressions of love.
Whereas, it is hereby
decreed that declarations of love,
In the form of spoken
word or written expression,
Shall constitute
legally binding affirmations of commitment.
Whereas, any breach of
this contract,
Including but not
limited to neglect, indifference, or infidelity,
Shall be subject to
restitution in the form of heartfelt apologies and sincere efforts to mend the
bonds of affection.
Therefore, let it be
known to all parties concerned,
That the spirit of
Valentine's Day shall endure,
And the bonds of love
shall remain steadfast and true,
In perpetuity.
Signed and sealed this
fifteenth day of February,
In the year of our
Rose Wavinya.
I witness